That's how we say "hi" in European.
Welcome to the European Language Project (ELP), an out-of-the box, creative and original approach to Europe's linguistic problems.
Dat is hoe wij "hoi" zeggen in het Europees.
Welkom op het Europees Taalproject (ETP), een innovatieve, creatieve en originele poging om Europa's taalproblemen op te lossen
Bonvenitus/a a Europaeu Linguas Projektu (ELP), innovativus, kreativus et originalis attemptus a solvit Europas linguas problemas.
Want to help? Tu volis ajudat?
Europaea is being independently developed and is in no way supported by the EU.
Do you want to support the development of Europaea? Here is what you can do:
Step 1: Stay informed. Return often to this site to see what progress I have made.
Step 2: Have a suggestion? Is there a word you want to include in Europea's vocabulary?
Is there solution you've thought of for a grammatical problem?
Then drop me a line, and let me know.
Step 3: Preregister to be kept inform when the Europaeus Manualis
- the European Manual - becomes available.
Step 4: Make a donation. Your donations help me make faster progress ;-)
Erik Schrama's
Eriko Schramas Europaeas Linguas Projektus
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