Stuff the elite does not like ...
the EUROCAST Podcast Free-thinking opinion & information:
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# Open Letter VOTE VON DER LEYEN OUT! Read it here (in English)
# Formal complaints against the "honorary"doctorates for virologist & propagandist Marc van Ranst from various Dutch universities. Read here (in Dutch).
# Open letter to the members of the EP against the plan as announced by the European Commission to allow HIDDEN GMO's in the European foodchain, by removing the current legislation that forces producers to label genetically engineered food as such and by weakening the authorization procedures for novel GMO's for the European market.
# Open letter to the European Parliament against the EU picking sides in this new war in Israel & Gaza and against raising the flag of Israel (including all other non-EU flags) at EU buildings. Read it here.
# Formal complaint to the European Commission about their violaton of the Maastricht Treaty by making a policy statement in the field of foreign affairs & defense, which is outside of the Commission's competencies. Read it here.
# "Petition of one man" at the Belgian Chamber of Deputies about the violation of the Maastricht Treaty committed by the European Commission by their policy statement in the field of foreign policy & defense policy, which is 100% a prerogative of the member states. Read it here.
# A complaint to the European Council about the violaton of the Maastricht Treaty by the European Commission, by them making a policy statement in the field of foreign affairs & defense, which is outside of the Commission's competencies and 100% the prerogative of the member-states and thus of the Council. Read it here.
# Open letter to the members of the European Parliament against the proposal of the European Commission to introduce (a framework for) the digital euro. Read it here (in English).
# Lettre publique aux membres du Parlement Européen contre l'euro numérique. Lire ici (en Francais)
# Open letter to the European Parliament concerning the Havana Syndrome, cybertorture, Active Denial Systems, secret prisons on European soil and illegal and immoral experimentation on European citizens by foreign powers.
# Formal complaint against raising the transgender flag next to the flags of Leuven, Flanders, Belgium and Europe, outside of the municipal office of the city of Leuven. Successful result! See here.
# Freedom of information request to the European Environmental Agency to share all current geoengineering & weather modification projects & experiments in the EU. Read it here.
# Follow up freedom of information request to the Copernicus Weather Observation Service to share all current geoengineering & weather modification projects & experiments in the EU. Read it here.
# Follow up freedom of information request to CINEA to share all current geoengineering & weather modification projects & experiments in the EU. Read it here.
# Open letter to the members of the European Parliament against the announced legal framework for projects in weather manipulation, climate engineering & geoengineering. Coming soon (as I'm currently writing it)!
# Complaint to Plantyn Publishers, the Flemish minister of Education and the inspectorate of education about the LGBTQ propaganda in their lesson method "Wereldkanjers". Coming soon (as I'm currently writing it)!
# Magyar: Szavazz Von der Leyen ellen! Vote Von der Leyen out!
# List of current members and co-signatories of European Action. (Olvasd el és írd alá itt (magyarul):
You want to co-sign too? ✍️
FYI: ONLY your name and your town / place of residence shall be reflected on my complaint letters. I will NOT share any other personal information!
European Action is a voluntary citizens' initiative (that I've set up in June 2023) which is EU-critical and that aims to inform Europe’s policy makers about the important and sometimes controversial but always far-reaching matters that they are regularly called to vote on. By means of these open letters (which have even made it onto the floor of the European Parliament) we lobby for more democracy in Europe and to help European citizens who are otherwise not heard in Brussels and Strasbourg to voice their worries and concerns in the house of European democracy. It is European Action's mission to stick our noses where it's not wanted: in the political business of the MEPs and the European Commission. This because we suspect that MEPs are often badly informed about the questions they have to vote on and usually just vote according to the wishes of their party or the Commission, without ever asking any critical questions themselves. European Action is dedicated to informing Europe's elected representatives about the real impact of their decisions and about the alternative options that exist.
Because the EU is a mess. And somebody needs to fix it, but nobody in the EU seems interested to do so.
So we'll just have to do it ourselves then ...
You can find all of European Action's letters & initiatives below and co-sign the ones you agree with. Thank you for your help.
More stuff that the elite does not like:
News, or: What's been happening so far
Full list of all Members of European Parliament (MEP's) with country of origin, e-mail addresses and political party affiliations (updated 18 June 2024):
Alphabetically sorted:
Sorted by country:
Why not write your European representative?
Now you know who they are!
Israeli flag: Open letter to the European Parliament against raising the flag of Israel (and other non-EU states) at EU buildings.
My short thought on the subject:
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
Israeli flag: MEP Clare Daly's answer to my open letter to the European Parliament against raising the flag of Israel (and other non-EU states) at EU buildings.
Israeli flag: MEP Fulvio Martusciello's answer to my open letter to the European Parliament against raising the flag of Israel (and other non-EU states) at EU buildings. Whom I hereby nominate for Idiot of the Week.
Israeli flag: MEP Ana Miranda's answer to my open letter to the European Parliament against raising the flag of Israel (and other non-EU states) at EU buildings.
Israeli flag: MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen's answer to my open letter to the European Parliament against raising the flag of Israel (and other non-EU states) at EU buildings.
Formal complaint to the European Commission about their violaton of the Maastricht Treaty by making a policy statement in the field of foreign affairs & defense, which is outside of the Commission's competencies.
"Petition of one man" at the Belgian Chamber of Deputies about the violation of the Maastricht Treaty committed by the European Commission by their policy statement in the field of foreign policy & defense policy, which is 100% a prerogative of the member states.
A complaint to the European Council about the violaton of the Maastricht Treaty by the European Commission, by them making a policy statement in the field of foreign affairs & defense, which is outside of the Commission's competencies and 100% the prerogative of the member-states and thus of the Council.
Freedom of Information request to the European Environmental Agency (EEA) about geo-engineering, weather modification, contrails/chemtrails, and more on European territory (by Roos Walleze & Erik Schrama)
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
Follow up freedom of Information request to the Copernicus Earth Obersvation Service about geo-engineering, weather modification, contrails/chemtrails, and more on European territory
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
Follow up freedom of Information request to CINEA (the European Climate, Infrastructure & Environmental Executive Agency) about geo-engineering, weather modification, contrails/chemtrails, and more on European territory
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
The EEA'S (non)answer to our Freedom of Information request about geo-engineering, weather modification, contrails/chemtrails, and more on European territory
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
My answer to the EEA'S (non)answer to our Freedom of Information request about geo-engineering, weather modification, contrails/chemtrails, and more on European territory
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
Open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament on the subject of Havana Syndrome, cybertorture, Active Denial Systems, secret prisons and illegal and immoral experimentation on European citizens (by Özler Atalay & Erik Schrama)
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
Open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council against the Commission's proposal to allow HIDDEN GMO's into the European food-chain by abolishing labelling requirements and weakening the current authorization procedure for novel GMOs
Accompanying video:
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here.
Poster van de conferentie & "stakeholder meeting" over GMO's op het EP van donderdag 26 oktober 2023
ANSWER from Izaskun Bilbao Barandica to my open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council against the Commission's proposal to allow HIDDEN GMO's into the European food-chain by abolishing labelling requirements and weakening the current authorization procedure for novel GMOs
ANSWER from Anja Hazekamp to my open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council against the Commission's proposal to allow HIDDEN GMO's into the European food-chain by abolishing labelling requirements and weakening the current authorization procedure for novel GMOs
ANSWER from Monika Beňová to my open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council against the Commission's proposal to allow HIDDEN GMO's into the European food-chain by abolishing labelling requirements and weakening the current authorization procedure for novel GMOs
ANSWER from Miriam Lexmann to my open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council against the Commission's proposal to allow HIDDEN GMO's into the European food-chain by abolishing labelling requirements and weakening the current authorization procedure for novel GMOs
ANSWER from Susanna Knab & the SPÖ fraction in the EP to my open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council against the Commission's proposal to allow HIDDEN GMO's into the European food-chain by abolishing labelling requirements and weakening the current authorization procedure for novel GMOs
Open letter addressed to the members of the European Parliament against the digital euro
Accompanying video:
Having trouble opening the above document? Then read the integral text of this letter here
Lettre publique aux membres du Parlement Européen contre l'euro numérique
Formal complaint against the city of Leuven requesting the removal of a transgender flag outside of the municipal office (in Dutch)
RESULT! "transgender flag" removed from the municipal office of Leuven at 1st of June 2023
Municipal office Leuven - 30th May 2023
Municipal office Leuven - 1st of June 2023
Purposeful action for a better Europe
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